Thursday, February 08, 2007

Tell me who you are

I've been blogging now for about 9 months with varying degrees of frequency and I have a very consistent group of people that comment. I love comments. They encourage me to blog more. I try and make people laugh, think or just update them on my life and so comments are great, because they let me know who's stopping by and enjoying what I'm writing. For those of you who comment, thank you. There are, however, two other groups of people who read my blog and I have no idea who you are or what you think. The first group is those who read and then tell me face to face that you read it and liked something I had on here, or they post annonymously. What's up with that? Blogging is supposed to be an online community. I comment and link all the time, so where is the love. The second group is more sneaky. You are the ones that sneak in, stay a while and then leave without a trace. I can see you on my site feeder, and know where you came from, yet you force me to guess who you are. I assure you, it's safe to publicly proclaim that you are my friend or that you have read my blog. So I'm issuing a challenge. If you read this post, you must comment. Even if it's just to tell me that this challenge is stupid. I'm coming up on a year of blogging and I need to know who my peeps are. Come on, take the challenge.


Jennifer Haugen said...

I accecpt the challenge and completly agree with your thoughts on commenting. It's much more fun when you know you aren't blogging to yourself! I love reading your blog! You're a stud!

Anonymous said...

I comment sometimes, but I generally only read to see what you're up to and to see if you say anything about ME. Sadly, there's been a lack of Al-love on your blog. *sigh*. I check your blog weekly, though, and love the funny shirts. I check Jenn's, too, but she hasn't updated her blog in MONTHS. Hmpf.
love, your big sis

Anonymous said...

I should have known to check Jenn's blog before I made my previous comment. She updated this week! Yay!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey man. Sorry I haven't been by too much lately.

Thanks for the love on the blog bro. Im excited to hear that someone used the review as a ply to go out and get the album! I know you will enjoy it, its AWESOME!

Keep it up man


Anonymous said...

I've got you on RSS feed - so I alwasy read when you update :)

Rhonda Raine said...

Well I went to show JDub(W) your mysp & couldn't find the link here-did U take it off? We r not myspr's yet, mayB when we finish our band rec. then we'll post them. I KNOW U weren't talking about my anon comm rt? ok cool! I started blogging, but all my friends are either 2 busy 2 post or they are pctarded. Blogging takes X. This is my old blog, but I have a link 2 my new one where U can access Jdub's. Jenn is funny-stud! MsR

Unknown said...

I came across your blog, and I've been reading it ever since. you seem to have your head on straight because your wife is a total nockout and it looks like you allowing God to do amazing things in your life. It's great to see your doing well.