When I was in LA at school, if I went a long time without dropping my parents a note or phone call or something, I'd inevitably get an email from my mom asking, and I quote, "are you alive?" That would be the entire email. No, "how ya doin'" no, "do you need money." Just "are you alive." Well, yes, I'm alive.
I've gotten a little lazy when it comes to blogging, but it's probably because we are in the middle of the Christmas season and since people go to church during Christmas, it means I'm working a lot, particularly on our three evangelistic services this weekend. Here are some pictures of the set (sorry for the quality, I took them on my phone, which possibly makes them cooler. I love my phone):

I'm going to be honest, I really love my job. I'm sure there are those of you who think I'm sucking up to my boss, but she probably doesn't read this anyway.
I really love what we're doing. I'm getting to be creative in ways I never have before. I'm writing, I'm getting better at the guitar, though there are some that may disagree with that, and I'm still in the middle of ministry, which is awesome.
In two weeks we saw 8 people come to Christ! Who comes to Christ at church? Well apparently, people at Clovis Hills do. It's awesome!
Unbelievable musicians, an opportunity for me to grow and develop into a great worship leader, a chance to connect with guys in the band and with young couples at our church and in the midst of it, people are coming to know Jesus. How cool is that?
So in the absence of something cool to write or a funny video to show, I'm sucking up. Sorry. Maybe I'll have something better to post in the near future.
Pray for us this weekend, that a whole bunch of people would meet Jesus for the first time at our big outreach weekend.